80 minutes: €85 100 minutes: €110

This full body massage, performed with warm or hot oil, harmonizes the three doshas. It regulates the nervous system, boosts blood and lymphatic circulation, and also reduces muscle pain. Massage of 60 or 90 minutes.
Link titleShirodhara
60 min: 90 €

"Shiro" means head and "dhara" means the continuous flow of liquid. Shirodhara consists of flowing warm oil in a steady stream over the forehead. Ideal for headaches and insomnia, it relieves anxiety, stress, intellectual overwork and burnout. 60-minute massage.
Link titleUdvartana
60 min: € 70

Also called powder massage, Udvartana deeply cleanses the skin, improves blood and lymphatic circulation and helps in the elimination of fat accumulated by the body. 60-minute massage.
Link titleKativasti
30 min: 35 €

In this process, lukewarm oil is applied to the base of the back in a reservoir made from chickpea paste. This process is beneficial for lower back pain and spinal disorders. 30-minute massage.
Link titleGreevavasti
30 min: 35 €

As with Kativasti, a hot oil is applied to the neck area to relieve tension. 30-minute massage.
Link titlePotra Pinda Svetra
60 min: € 70

This process involves making a tamponade all over the body with muslin pouches containing plants and spices. Depending on the contents of the pouch, the massage can be energizing or relaxing. 60-minute massage.
Link titlePizhichili
60 min: 90 €

This special and rare Kerala massage requires the presence of two practitioners who apply lukewarm herbal oil all over the body. It relieves rheumatism, arthritis, paralysis and nervous disorders. 60-minute massage.
Link titleMassage au bowl Kansu
50 min : 60€

Traditional Indian foot massage, it is practiced with a bowl made of an alloy of five metals: copper, zinc, tin, silver and gold. Beneficial for people suffering from insomnia, it calms anger, stress and anxiety. 45-minute massages.
Link titleReiki

This massage is a rebalancing of vital energy by laying on of hands. 50-minute massage.
Link titleNative American Foot Reflexology
60 min : 60€

Foot reflexology session performed using a gentle and non-intrusive technique. Native American spiritual reflexology aims to rebalance the front/back, right/left polarities, stimulate the meridians, stimulate the reflex zones linked to the chakras and unblock energy. Its effect is visible on the physical as well as on the mental.
Link title